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Indonesia in Revolt - Democracy or Death

This film was made in Indonesia and Australia between August 1998 and March 1999 in cooperation with underground activists from Indonesia. This film tells the story of the 1998 explosion of the Indonesian student movement and its successful struggle to get rid of the 33 years authoritarian regime of Suharto. It is also serves as a reminder of how the struggle for full democracy, social justice and freedom in Indonesia, is not yet over.
During the documentary's production, Jill Hickson spent two months with the Indonesian students and members of the People's Democratic Party (PRD) featured in the film. At this time, many political activists was still in jail and the Indonesian military's alleged campaign of kidnapping and torturing pro-democracy activists was still ongoing, resulting in the disappearance of 13 activists.

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Inside Indonesia's War on Terror

This must watch report points to the involvement of the Indonesian Military Intelligence and Police in the 2002 Bali bombing.
Indonesia's recent history of terrorist attacks began with a deadly campaign that unfolded on Christmas Eve 2000. Bombs exploded almost simultaneously at 18 sites, mostly churches, across six provinces, 19 people died and 120 were injured. Jemaah Islamiah took the blame. It was the first real mention of the group in Australia. But Indonesians had another theory - they suspected the military, the only organisation with the capacity to pull off an operation of this scale, a full two years before the first Bali bomb.

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Illuminating Angels and Demons

Dan Brown's novel, Angels & Demons, describes an ancient cult called the Illuminati that is at work in the modern world and plotting against the Catholic Church. Based on Simon Cox's book, 'Illuminating Angels & Demons', this fascinating two-hour documentary explores the question of whether the Illuminati has ever controlled (or even still control) many parts of our world. This is also a visually stunning travelogue that guides viewers through the ancient streets and artwork of Rome in its quest to find the facts behind Brown's fiction.

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Apollo Zero

How many humans have walked on the moon so far? NASA says 12, but many people do not believe this. Think about this: to date, only three countries have been able to put a man merely in Earth orbit - the United States, Russia, and China. That speaks to how difficult it is just to get into orbit. Next, consider how far away the moon is from the Earth: 240,000 miles. Since the alleged moon landings, no country even claims to have gone more than 400 miles from Earth and that was in the Space Shuttle.  The International Space Station orbits at 200 miles above Earth. There is a big difference between 240,000 miles and 400 miles. Why can't anyone make it more than 400 miles from Earth today if we could make a 480,000 mile round trip in 1969?

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Soccer in the Streets

Soccer does make a difference to the lives of many. An insightful and touching documentary, 'Soccer in the Streets' follows a group of students at Bethune Elementary from their first practice to their first big game. The film was set in Vine City, one of Atlanta's most challenging areas which has become location for urban renewal projects. The neighborhood itself presents numerous obstacles for the futures of the children growing up there.

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Food, Inc.

You'll never look at dinner the same way again. Based on Eric Schlosser's book, 'Fast Food Nation', this documentary looks at the current method of raw food production. It is largely a response to the growth of the fast food industry since the 1950s. In general, the production of food has drastically changed since that time than the several thousand years prior.
Virtually monopolised by a handful of transnational corporations, the global food production business - with an emphasis on the business - has as its unwritten goals production of large quantities of food at low direct inputs (most often subsidized) resulting in enormous profits, which in turn results in greater control of the global supply of food sources within these few companies.

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